Meet Stephen, ex-resident at Lakeview
Stephen joined us with a range of complex physical, social and emotional needs after organ failure cause by alcohol use disorder, which no other care service could support. Yet after just five months at Lakeview, Stephen made such incredible progress that he was able to return to live in his own flat.

Resident, Stephen, smiling at the camera

The person-centred care no other home could provide

Stephen has a long history of an alcohol use disorder, which caused organ failure, psychosis symptoms, and antisocial behaviour.

He was admitted to hospital, where he lost the ability to walk and take care of himself.

Sadly, Stephen spent a prolonged period in hospital, with a delayed discharge of over 100 days.

Due to his complex care needs and behaviours of concern, no other service would offer him a place - until his new home was found in the care of Exemplar Health Care’s multi-disciplinary team at Lakeview.

High staffing levels to meet individual care needs

After five months in hospital, Stephen arrived at Lakeview unable to maintain his personal hygiene, and with limited mobility.

He also displayed complicated disorder symptoms, including psychosis and hallucinations.

Our trained team assessed Stephen and concluded he needed one-to-one care.

The Lakeview staff worked with Stephen to help him regain his mobility and increase his independence.

Through one-to-one sessions, Stephen strengthened his lower body and broadened his range of movement.

His mobility improved significantly, and he progressed from requiring a wheelchair to using a walking frame to get around the home.

The time and space to participate at the right pace

When Stephen arrived at Lakeview, he had little interest in engaging with others.

Yet our high staffing levels gave us the time to allow Stephen to connect and develop trust with the care team when he was ready.

During this time, the staff at Lakeview built a strong relationship with Stephen.

They understood him as an individual and learned how to manage his emotional needs.

With that, Stephen felt safe – and was able to engage fully in his care sessions and take part in activities he enjoyed.

The number of incidents of behaviours of concern also reduced dramatically.

Maximising independence with the life skills team

It was incredibly important to support Stephen to regain the independence he’d lost in hospital so he could transition back home.

To do that, the Life Skills Team at Lakeview held regular sessions with him, focusing on improving his independent living skills and social integration.

The team worked with Stephen to help him prepare food, look after his personal care, access the community, build his self-esteem, and manage his emotions through sensory and self-soothing work.

Remarkable progress for an approved return home

Stephen made exceptional progress in less than six months at Lakeview.

He regained independence in most aspects of his care, and no longer needed one-to-one support, reducing the cost of his placement to the local commissioner.

Though he struggled to connect with others when he arrived, in a matter of months Stephen came to life.

He socialised with staff and other residents, growing in confidence and happiness, and, during his last month at Lakeview, he displayed no behaviours of concern.

After five months, Stephen’s Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) were rescinded.

This meant he could move back to his own home with reduced support from domiciliary carers.

To help Stephen feel happy and safe in his surroundings, the Lakeview team arranged for his flat to be redecorated and made sure he had everything he needed in place for his return.

“When I first moved to Lakeview, I was in a bad place. I couldn’t walk or take care of myself – but now look at me!

“The staff at Lakeview are brilliant! They’re always here if I need them. We have a good laugh together, and they’re great company. They’ve also helped me become independent again, so I do most things for myself with a little bit of support.

“I’m looking forward to moving into my own flat, but will really miss the team here. I’ll definitely come back and visit!

“I’m a different person than I was five months ago – and that’s thanks to the Lakeview team.”